Be prepared for an earthquake

Chiba Prefecture, being surrounded by the Japan Trench and the Sagami Trough, is in a geographical position that makes Chiba strongly influenced by severe earthquakes that originate in the sea.

Earthquakes which pose a threat and could severely affect the Chiba area in the near future are: the Tokai Earthquakes that originate along the Suruga Trough, huge earthquakes that originate either along the Sagami Trough or the Boso Peninsula (magnitude eight class), and earthquakes occurring directly beneath the south Kanto Area that includes Chiba Prefecture (magnitude seven class).

Preparation for earthquakes

Discuss with your family:
  • what to do during an earthquake, and
  • how to contact one another and where to evacuate.
Prevent accidents within the home
  • Secure furniture to the walls or ceilings to keep them from falling over.
  • Do not store heavy objects in high places such as on the top of chests.
  • In bedrooms, keep a minimum of furniture.
  • In two-story houses, it is better to sleep on the second floor.
Prepare for fire
  • Keep fire extinguishers and containers of water in easy-to-access places.
  • Keep the bathtub full of water at all times.
Know your evacuation route.
  • Know the designated evacuation shelters in your neighborhood.
  • Actually walk the evacuation routes to check for safety.
Prepare an emergency kit
Participate in your regional disaster prevention programs
  • It is essential for each individual to take an active part in regional disaster prevention drills and self-sponsored disaster prevention organization programs. This will enable the community to help each other and take appropriate action in times of disaster.
To those who may need help

To those who may need assistance at times of natural disasters, including the elderly, the physically handicapped, infants and foreign nationals

  • Keep your daily medicine in an easy-to-reach place. Keep the contact number of your doctor and the name of any medication you take. Carry identification that bears your name and address.
  • Maintain close relationships with your neighbors and ask for help in the case of emergency.
  • Families with bedridden family members or infants should prepare disposable diapers, nursing care goods, etc.